Monday, December 8, 2008

Time Flies...

I can't believe how fast time passes. My mom informed me that I needed to update my blog, it seemed as though I just had but as I look at it, I see, it's been nearly a month. This picture was taken on Ryker's 6 month birthday. I was in Rochester, MN, so my mom took it and sent it to me. I can't believe he's 6 months already. We had to go get immunizations last week... YAY us! Ryker finally hit 15 lbs, 15 lbs. 5 oz. to be exact and 25 inches long. He is growing so well. He is so smart and alert and can hardly sit still, the last few Sundays I would swear I had a two year old on my lap... up and down... back and forth... it's fun though. We've started feeding him baby food, he makes the funniest faces but with practice, he's started understanding what it means to push it back instead of out. I can't even remember what life was like before him, he has brought so much love and excitement!! Ohhh, I know what else is new... Ryker is learning to clap. It cracks me up. We say 'clap, clap, clap' and he'll spread his arms as wide as he can and swing them both in just as hard and as fast as he can... he'll clasp his little fists and get this really excited look on his face. If I can ever learn how to upload video, I'll add it.
This week finds me in Seattle, Tacoma and Portland. I was so excited to get up this way. I've never been here before. It's absolutely beautiful. I have a lot of work to do so it doesn't leave much time for sight seeing. I did see the space needle as I drove by on the freeway. I'm hoping i'll finish up a little early tomorrow and maybe i'll be brave enough to venture out. This is my first trip alone, so far, so good.
Not really much else is new... or exciting. We are trying to get ready for Christmas at our house. We took the easy way out again this year, instead of buying a tree we opted to use our little decorative trees that are in our family room all year long. I did, however, put lights on them... and decorations. They look really cute. As I said when I started this post, time flies... I feel like it was just the 4th of July. Where does the year go?? I can't believe the holidays are upon us.
I hope everyone has as wonderful of a Christmas as we will at our house. Happy Holidays!!!

About Us

Scott and I met at Bear Lake on the 4th of July in 2003. We married the following June. We live in Harrisville and love it there! Scott works as an electrician with his friend's company, Brandon Nelson Electric. I work managing the lab at the Intermountain North Ogden Clinic. I'm currently finishing up my associates degree in Computer Science at WSU.